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Framecad Background green

CFS fabricators supply frames pre-assembled, strong and straight, and clearly identifiable. No on-site welding or cutting is normally required. This means that the erection process is fast and simple – requiring less labor time on-site and heavy-lifting equipment.

Steel frames do not absorb moisture so there is no delay waiting for frames to dry. This means minimized weather delays for rain, snow, or excessive heat, for example.

CFS construction can offer a much more predictable construction schedule and less on-site cost than traditional construction methods. For example, as the material is lightweight, no heavy lifting equipment is needed on-site, frames, trusses and joists can typically be carried into place by on-site labor.

Frames are made to precise dimensions meaning pre-made windows, doors and bathrooms will fit perfectly and quickly reducing engineering cost and minimizing room for error on-site.

FRAMECAD System requires no welding or riveting in assembly and is easily erected on site with basic tools.

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